The following article is taken from "Atlantic Watchtower"
Aspettare un convoglio non è cosa divertente. E l'attesa diventa ancora più pesante quando si tratta di doverlo aspettare per molti giorni.
Si vive allora una vita strana di irrequietezza e non si vede l'ora che i ben conosciuti fumi all' orizzonte indichino l'avvicinarsi del ghiotto boccone. Altera tutto appare più chiaro, i nervi si distendono e si passa di colpo alla fase diciamo operativa, fatta di mille astuzie di piccole manovre, dalle quali dipende la possibilità di conseguire il successo tanto tenacemente voluto, tanto lungamente atteso.
in the area this time we only us and the others, many others are far away to threaten the traffic in the most unexpected areas, where the enemy can not assume that we can get. But our underwater weapon reaches everywhere, there are no limits to it, \\ there are no boundaries. Thinking back to life those long days when you waited for the convoy, passed the same day as suspended between sky and sea to the leaden cloak that has perennially overlooked, seems to have done something useless. Why only after many days, the train is finally in sight. Into the sunset when it already was to decree with the changing of the guard, was in fact going up on the bridge the first night shift, the end of another giornata vuota, spesa inutilmente a scrutare coi binocoli ogni pezzette di orizzonte, quando già il comandante aveva detto « Ci vuole pazienza, sarà per domani », ecco che lontano, molto lontano, verso il chiarore roseo dell' orizzonte si vedono dei piccoli pennacchi di fumo nero. E' il convoglio, non c'è dubbio, che naviga ad una quindicina di chilometri da noi. Prora sopra a tutta forza. Bisogna essergli vicino prima che faccia buio perché poi è difficile ritrovarlo; vicino per vederlo e' seguirlo nei suoi zigzagamenti sregolati di lungo serpe preistorico, ma non troppo, che la scorta ha gli occhi aperti ed è pronta a mettere la prua addosso. Se cosi succedesse tutto sarebbe perso; bisogna ficcarsi sotto, molto below and wait for the noise of the propellers of who we are looking to move away to return to the surface and have the satisfaction of lean not find anything. Are we alone in the area and must be very careful not to be found because our task this time is to follow the convoy, keeping in contact and thus give way to n submarines that are working away, to come together en masse before are close to enemy shores. The mission we have is among the most tiring. We must continuously sense the movement of the enemy before it is performed, and patient and you are good even when the dark shapes of ships are inviting, this work lasted five days of patience. At night it is relatively easy because you can get close enough to not be forced to continually keep their eyes to the binoculars that tired damn sight. With the darkness we can hazard a lot and especially at off-moon. You can then play a trick with the stock slipping to his research, waiting for a good time to take over the pursuit, when the ship clear piecole sure not to be followed at speeds ivoglio from which you are temporarily detached. But things change day . We must stay away, far away, to
times beyond the radius of vision ed intuire ciò che il convoglio fa per poter sempre essere in condizioni di prendere contatto quando necessario e segnalare la posizione agli altri.
La vita a bordo procede come sempre. Nell'interno dello scafo si continua a lavorare serenamente, a riparare le piccole avarie che si manifestano, a preparare le armi. Non sembra davvero di essere così vicini al nemico, così prossimi all'azione.
Ormai la gente si è abituata e dalle rapide accostate che fanno sbandare il sommergibile intuisce la manovra. Tutta la barra a dritta. Si sente il rumore Helm running for a long time and we understand that something is happening. The increase in engine speed. Perhaps a gunboat in his messy race put us on the bow. There and away to avoid taking a dive. In fact, a few minutes after the usual noise of the rudder and the hull heels this time the other side. Go back towards the enemy. The danger of being seen is the past. The trouble is that the trains have also their good light air and against this the only thing possible to avoid being seen, is disappearing. Second are those throbbing dive, a long whistle echoes in the interior. Life has a time to stop. All take their place to their machines. It goes under. How much? It does not matter. Silence that accompanies the movement is only broken by the voice that says the shares of the helmsman. We stop where the commander has decided, according to the state of the sea, the brightness of the water, so many other things. Above, imagine the big plane roaring pass on us unaware. Just a few minutes. He returns to see. He resumed the race to the black smoke that the train has left behind. So AVANTRA for many days until the other boats are finally close, so close you can see the convoy, that you can follow along to launch the attack. So, our task ends or rather change. No longer maintain contact, but to attack, attack with all means at the bottom and sink as is possible. It 's the long-awaited conclusion of enthusiasm that fills the last sailor on board, even that which is never on the deck and that' does not see the explosion of the torpedo. But this time we can not do much, the board reserves the right there is not much oil to run, the base from which you should return is far away. Facts and remade the face. all the optimistic predictions of those who want to act at any cost, the commander decided to return after sunset. Two hours and then you can start your return. In two hours if you're lucky you can do a lot!
Other submarines are already in contact and you can then operate. But you have to hurry, because if not, he ventures to remain half-way without a drop of fuel. The convoy did not. is far away and drop it on the night, walking to the full force you can still reach the limit of time. The sea is a little rough down the stem and breaks against the steel tower, after the forward edge of the submerged hull. Motors are the best. On the bridge the Captain is still, the look on that enemy is visible in the dark soon. He's thinking that perhaps by attacking parties agree. All are silent. The last few minutes that will aim to turning the torpedoes at the dark shapes of the slow cargo ships, id suddenly, something unexpected happens. On the side of a large steamer head that you just saw, the blast of a reddish torpedo rooms on the dark sky. Almost at the same time another burst deaf rears its black column on the sides of a sagoma più nterna. Maledizione ! L'attacco è incominciato troppo presto. Bastava che l'altro avesse atteso ancora qualche minuto. Ma come poteva sapere di dover attendere ?
Non c'è tempo da perdere. Qua e là si accendono razzi colorati, Dengala illuminanti, fasci di riflettori. In pochi istanti è dato .'allarme e la zona è illuminata a giorno. Come fare ad avvicinarsi ? Bisogna tentare. Nessuno parla in plancia. Tutti sanno che il Conandante tenterà. Tutta la barra a sinistra. Massima forza. E' questione di secondi. Si tratta di arrivare afferrando il risultato tanto atteso o non arrivare. Secondi che sembrano eterni, slow to pass, in which we live, feel and see every detail. In front of us too far a ship sailing in the light of flares hanging from the black sky. It will be our victim if luck helps us. A few dozen meters away, a few more seconds.
"Out of one - Out of two."
The siren gave its order. Rapid dive. We must escape the Commons can not not have seen us. When you'll see the light. day, oily sea that surrounds us we are alone. The tragedy is over. The convoy continued leaving behind some of its members. They are authentic scrap floating lazy long wave of the ocean.
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