Giovedì 7 ottobre a Roma. Nani e ballerine.
Brancaleone, v. levanna 11, ore 21:30, sala cinema.
Ascolta l' intervista .

In due anni di legislatura c'è un unico successo di cui può vantarsi il nostro triste governo di pagliacci, nani, ballerine e ratti senza domatore: l'iperproduzione di libri satirici di Alessio Spataro. "Berluscoiti" (Ed. Castelvecchi, 2009), "The Ministronza" (Ed. Grrržetic, 2009) and "The Ministronza 2" (Ed. Grrržetic, 2010).
mainly based on a conception of sexual and possessive of political power, the first two volumes came out almost simultaneously, but once aroused vigorous controversy only the first Fascist inspired Young female. The one with the old fascist male protagonist, however, not one. Obvious symptom of a creeping antisenile and shameful discrimination that prevails in the country.
"The Ministronza" (64 pp., b / n, € 12) collects all the sordid episodes appeared on the homonymous comic blog (loosely based on an easily identifiable minister, inexplicably in charge) in addition to a completely new. "The Ministronza 2" (112 pp., B / w and color, 15 €) indicate, however, only a short episode posted on the blog along with two other more recent (one longer and color) that make up the entire volume together with a gallery of gifts known signatures of international comics and satire that have agreed to have their say.
"Berlusca" (128 pp., B / w, € 9.90) is instead an anthology of cartoons, not only unknown, which traces the furrow indefensible work of the government.
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