Testo della lettera inviata a Padre Messori Roncaglia, cappellano della base atlantica dai naufraghi del sommergibile Calvi autoaffondatosi il 25 luglio 1942 in Atlantico dopo un combattimento con navi inglesi. Probabilmente con il Calvi perirono alcuni marinai inglesi che riuscirono a salire sul sommergibile per catturarlo. I superstiti furono raccolti ed assistiti dal comandante Dalinson che fu amico del comandante Longobardo durante la their stay in China. The Dalinson who died tragically in Canada showed the uperstiti cigarette with a reproduced signature of Lombard and the word "fraternal friendship"
Reverend Father,
we are separated from you physically, but our thoughts are constantly turned to You I just stayed in our Eqipment by the grace of God we had the opportunity to stay together and live as brothers as in the past. Our beloved Captain [illegible] of submariners, has left us. In a fierce battle was pierced by a cannon enemy and was slain in the death of Heroes. He sees us from the sky and smiles. Today we feel sad day of the dead, more than ever, unable to sail the Atlantic and bring us there, where the bottom lies a glorious boat with its captain on the bridge that not even death has failed to separate. In this day when we Italians are accustomed to pray for our dead, we join you at the foot of Notre Sommergibilisti beloved protector of the Virgin to intercede for a well earned rest for our loved ones who live on the pages of History
Reverend Father,
we are separated from you physically, but our thoughts are constantly turned to You I just stayed in our Eqipment by the grace of God we had the opportunity to stay together and live as brothers as in the past. Our beloved Captain [illegible]
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