Sunday, June 27, 2010

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The Babylonians wrote that before the light was separated from the darkness and the weather began, the god Marduk found and destroyed Tiamat, the dragon enemy of order and its progenitor. Body broke in half: a model with the firmament, the other the earth. In the skies, he built a large house and installed for the stars and the moon as time keepers. With the blood of a son of Tiamat, created humans to serve the gods.

Egypt In Egypt, the presence of the dragon was made in connection with any change, even the alternation of day and night, described as a journey of Ra, the sun god, was believed a lui. Sovrano dei cieli, Ra saliva a bordo della sua nave ad ogni alba e attraversava i cieli da est a ovest aiutato dal suo equipaggio composto da dei e anime dei defunti. Per cavalcare i cieli, il dio del sole doveva combattere e sconfiggere il drago. Ogni sera quando Ra si posava dietro all’orizzonte occidentale si dirigeva a bordo della sua nave nelle viscere della terra e oltrepassava il regno dei morti, dove la potenza di Apopi non conosceva pari. Questo cercava ogni notte di distruggere Ra e ogni notte quest’ultimo veniva salvato da un esercito celestiale condotto da Seth, dio delle tempeste dal volto di iena. Ad ogni spuntare dell’alba, Apopi veniva sconfitto, intrappolato dagli spiriti del cielo che si rischiarava, decapitato da Seth e fatto apart. Every day the body of the dragon was reconstituted and the cycle of repeated conflict.

Typhoon beginning of time, the last of the titans, the first all-powerful gods of Greece, came out of his hiding place in Asia Minor directly to the Mount Olympus to destroy the gods. His appearance was terrifying: she was so high that towers above the mountains, had a hundred dragon heads, each with glowing eyes and a mouth that spat fire and spewing huge stones. True child of chaos, went everywhere, destroying everything with the fury of the storm (the term "typhoon" is derived from its name). Only Zeus of all the gods fled in the face of Typhoon. The battle raged from Greece to Syria, where large furrows in the fight became rivers. Zeus dragged the monster up to the Ionian Sea, where it fell, heads twitching and vomiting, while the young god plucked from the sea and the island cast on the monster. Thus was born in Sicily and the mountain that rose on the body of Typhoon became the Etna.
the antipodes of the world there was a small island called "Ocean Garden", on which grew a tree with golden apples. Since a bite of that fruit would be allowed a mortal to acquire the knowledge of the immortals, the gods had sent Ladon, the dragon that never slept, to guard the tree. A mortal king sent Hercules search of apples. This convinced the god Atlas, on whose shoulders rested the sky, reach the enchanted garden and collect the magical fruit. While God was involved in the mission, Hercules took his place and claimed the sky until Atlas came back with no apples.
Jason, the young son of the king of Thessaly, set off in search of the golden fleece of a ram, a magical relic that could fly, think and speak, sacrificed years ago in the kingdom of Colchis on the Black Sea This was kept by a dragon that never slept. Jason set sail aboard the Argo, in the company of many Greek heroes, including Hercules, Theseus and Orpheus. Once delivered, Aeetes, king of Colchis, he decided that he would separated from the precious treasure only if Jason had managed to sow the dragon's teeth in the earth, the king was well aware that those teeth would be resurfaced in the field as soldiers, they would loose on the young. The king's plans were foiled, however, by his daughter Medea, a sorceress from the great powers fell in love with Jason, who promised to marry her if she had helped, so when the young scattered teeth in the ground, they re-emerged as expected but gave the young man in the middle them a magic stone given to him by Medea and clashed with each other. After clearing that first hurdle, Jason reached the dragon armed with a magic potion that induces sleep. As soon as the animal fell asleep, the hero took the fleece and sailed immediatamente per la Tessaglia, portando con sé Medea.

Secondo un’antica credenza norvegese, un albero immenso chiamato Yggdrasil si estendeva dalla volta celeste fino alle profondità degli inferi. Nidhoggr, un drago feroce, mordeva continuamente le radici dell’albero nel tentativo di distruggere l’ordine della creazione, che tuttavia possedeva un battaglione di difensori. Tre esseri simili a divinità, chiamati Norms, sedevano accanto al drago tessendo il filo del destino dei mortali. Due cervi brucavano le foglie dell’albero e bagnavano la terra con la rugiada che si posava sui loro palchi. Una capra rosicchiava la corteccia dell’albero e forniva l’idromele per gli eroi mortali that would liberate the world from dragons. Among the birds perched on branches, the eagle was the largest and most dangerous enemy of the terrible monsters.

In ancient time, with no beginning and no end. Tian Ti, the emperor of heaven, looked at the growing wickedness of the human race and as punishment, caused a great flood: The rice fields were flooded by heavy rain, the roofs of houses collapsed and the rivers came from the banks in short time the land was completely submerged in water and hopes of survival of the human race seemed minimal. Yu, a young god, took pity on the men and asked Tian you to let him speak to save them: The Emperor realized that the men had suffered enough, he agreed, shook his hand and suddenly there was a giant turtle wearing black walked onto the back of a magical land needed to absorb water and create new breeding grounds. After that, the king summoned a winged dragon scales from the green that he joined the young god in the reconstruction of the planet. Yu, the tortoise and the dragon descended from heaven on the globe, where they were working hard: spread the field and created magical plains and mountains. Under the leadership of Yu the dragon flew with the tip of the tail planted in the ground, creating new waterways that would make the green plains and lush.


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