Note politicopoetica ....
Pensiamo che l'uomo necessiti di ridere, provare stupore e allegria almeno quanto di respirare, mangiare e bere.
Pensiamo che si possano condividere percorsi, arrivando tutti assieme, rimanendo comunque se stessi.
Pensiamo che solo con il sudore si superino gli ostacoli, only the brain that brings you face.
We think that our body has too many features to not try to use them all.
Mens sana in corpore healthy.
We know that "Joy" is not 'just a name, but also a philosophy of life with which to face the reality' everyday.
We think, however, 'that accomplices of the new technologies, new rhythms and new urban geographies, it is culturally losing the essence of reality and with her art,
towards creating a collective moment of relaxation for the mind (as can 'be playing, juggling, acting, etc ...), and to delegate that now too often in screens of any kind or agony, time of Ludos.
We think it is the responsibility of a community, after identifying their needs and problems, understand how to solve every day working on the territory.
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