MINISTRONZA Presentation of the summer to Porto Santo Giorgio (Marche) festival A CLOSED FIST - Sat August 7 - 19 hours new municipal stadium (near A14)
Rissa ggiovani on the camera. Meloni and Cicchitto zen.
Community youth: the gift of the neo-fascist Meloni (from: pink circle - Verona - June 29, 2010 - 10:12)
The decree of the minister thought to justify the ad hoc and subsidize the reality of the extreme right, and exclude social centers antifascist Yesterday was a beautiful day for Casapound, so as Young Italy (the youth of the PDL that merged various neo-fascist factions) and the galaxy organized neo-fascism in general. And we understand the enthusiasm with which the militants' new force last June 16 have hailed the greetings between the Romans, in front of his home, Giorgia Meloni, she catapulted directly from the leadership of the Ministry of Youth Action for Youth.
Yesterday was a good day for the fascists because he joined the Chamber of Deputies the bill on the Community Youth, whose Ministronza speaks of the day on which he took over the department.
"It was a text he wanted Paolo Di Nella, the exponent of the Youth Front killed a Roma nel 1983.”, ha spiegato ieri la Meloni, dissipando ogni dubbio su quale sia la reale paternità del ddl. Una vecchia idea dell’ organizzazione giovanile del Msi (da cui nasceranno Azione Giovani, e poi la Giovane Italia), quel Fronte della Gioventù che a cavallo tra anni settanta e ottanta certo non disdegnava squadrismo nero e pestaggi.
Il provvedimento, recita il testo, “è finalizzato a promuovere e incentivare, su tutto il territorio nazionale, la nascita di nuove comunità giovanili e a consolidare e rafforzare quelle già esistenti”. A tal fine verrebbero stanziati 18 milioni di euro e previsti un registro e un osservatorio ad hoc
Per “comunità giovanili” are "groups of persons not exceeding 35 years ... whose purpose is, by statute, the pursuit of certain goals, including the promotion of social and cultural activities, education legaslità, sporting, recreational, educational, etc. etc. .. "
To promote the Community, are funded "recovery, rehabilitation, arrangement of buildings and public and private bond with the intended use within the youth communities"
Who will decide which groups are worthy of being funded? The Ministry. On what criteria? The text says that the communities that fall in the list include the commitment to oppose "the promotion or operation of illegal activities" and "the use of drugs or the abuse of alcohol." short, no one dreams about prohibitionism or to make an unauthorized march. E 'illegal. Interviewed yesterday, Meloni is best explained, revealing in a few words the full extent of the fascist bill: "The goal, the mission of the law, is to indicate the healthy lifestyles, those who adhere to a healthy society." And what a healthy society, young people, says the Minister of Youth.
summarize, Meloni is being equipped with the legal instrument and funding to help legitimize and subsidize various Casapound, House Italy, and those that follow, with a measure that will track almost an identikit, excluding at the same time, thanks to the legalistic and prohibitionist rhetoric, all the spaces and social centers self-managed anti-fascists. Indeed, the real risk is that the requirements listed in the bill Meloni divantino a passkey to de-legitimize and attack the social centers themselves, based on a fascist distinction: not "relate to a healthy society."
"diction PDL can and should also mean people of legality" (Giorgia Meloni) ... will have shouted something like his colleague last night from the balcony.